Welcome to the World of Elizabeth Shewan, The Artist and Clairvoyant


"Whatever you have on your walls in your home or office infuses into your core being every day and effects how you feel.
Beauty uplifts the spirit and ambience of a place and a life. nature holds an abundance of this inspiring beauty"  Elizabeth

Meet Elizabeth

If you are looking for something different, with an organic tactile feel then you are in the right place!

Connect to nature, and to how to heal yourself, helping you to remain in tune with the natural things in life, as well as your instincts and intuition that are YOURS and nobody else's - free from the shackles of the BiOdigitAl.

I create, all the time.  I share.  

Not always a regular thing (although in my group you see more, it's a wee peek behind the curtain in there, and a chance to get in first).

Then each piece finds it's home - the universe calling.

It's beauty helps uplift your spirit, all day, every day.

Always ask, nudge. If I don't reply nudge again.  I may have my head down creating getting a little lost in time sometimes, that and the labyrinth of social media one has to navigate! I always do my best.

So expect the organic here, and all will be well.  

Thank you for being here, all of you. Your appreciation and support is heartening and gratefully received, always 🙏❤️

Find out more about Elizabeth here ...